Monday, April 20, 2015

Protein. Dairy. Fiber.

In an attempt to keep things well-rounded... I tried a new recipe from my Eat What You Love Everyday cookbook.

Hearty Breakfast Bake
In a large bowl, combine 4 Eggs, 1.5 cups Liquid Egg Whites, 1.5 cups Cottage Cheese, 3/4 cup (almond) Milk, 1 cup shredded Cheddar Cheese, 3 cups Shredded Potatoes, 1 tsp Thyme, 1 tsp Black Pepper... optional 1 small diced Green Pepper.

Coat a skillet with cooking spray and saute 1 chopped medium Onion until soft. Crumble in 4 Turkey Breakfast Sausage (like remove the casing) and brown meat. Add Sausage & Onion mixture to large bowl. Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour ~ overnight.

Heat oven to 350 degrees, coat baking pan with cooking spray, pour in mixture. Bake for 45 minutes. Sprinkle with 2 tbsp grated Parmesan Cheese and bake another 10 minutes.

I'd never made something like this before... and funny enough it reminded me of the Chinese steamed egg my mom makes. Just a little bit, but enough to make me think I can just make a Chinese steamed egg with a lot less work. LOL... but it did make me eat cottage cheese which is really good for you... too bad it tastes so weird.

I told one of my friends about my effort to add protein... and she suggested Edamame. Duh! I realized that I had a frozen bag in my freezer... so I boiled some up and sprinkled with course sea salt, just like in the Japanese restaurants. Yummy!

It's incredible the punch they pack in just 1/2 cup: 13g Protein, 4g Fiber... and 420mg Potassium. What? That's unexpected... I mean I eat these all the time whenever I get sushi... never knew they were a good source of Potassium. Hurray!


  1. That's a lot of potassium!! lol. I wonder if it's less in fresh edamame? I've only heard it touted as a health food so I'd still eat it. LOL. I'm not a fan of cottage cheese either - even though I know it's super healthy! haha. I like being able to make casserole breakfast stuff like this so you can freeze or eat for a few days!

  2. I froze part of this bake that I made... but I really don't want to thaw it. I didn't like it. LOL - maybe it'll be in permafrost.

    1. HAHAHA! I've totally done that too. But you made it, so you feel like you have to eat it... even though it wasn't good/you didn't like it. lol. Too funny.

    2. I still have half of the darn thing frozen.... I can't bring myself to eat it. I think I'm just going to thaw it a little bit and throw it away. :(
