Monday, May 18, 2015

Steak & Greens

My friend, Audrey, sent me some collard greens clippings from her garden to see if I could use them to grow in my new veggie garden. I'm still trying to see if I can nurse them to life... in the meantime I got some from the grocery store.

Collard Greens are one of the healthiest vegetables you can eat. Here are some impressive daily numbers from just 1 cup of cooked Collard Greens: Vitamin K 858%, Vitamin A 80%, Manganese 49%, Vitamin C 46%, Fiber 30%, Calcium 27%, Choline 17%, Vitamin B2 15%, Vitamin B6 14%, Iron 12%. And that's just the Top 10... there are 11 more goodies your body needs in that list!

I didn't want to just eat greens... so the hubby stopped by the grocery store on his way home from work and fulfilled my urgent request for ribeye steak. Yum! He fired up the grill and made some corn as well. SO GOOD!!!

Collard Greens (super easy)
Steam or blanch the Collard Green leaves about 5-7 minutes, about 1.5 inch pieces without the super tough stalks. Saute slices of Garlic, however much you prefer, in 1 tbsp Butter + 1/2 tbsp Olive Oil for a couple minutes. Add the Collard Greens, stir and saute for another 5 minutes. Serve!

I couldn't quite finish my entire steak... guess my eyes were bigger than my stomach... so I had leftovers to get creative with. I chopped up the steak, added some tomatoes and avocado, and wrapped everything in a corn tortilla. I made about 3 of these little beauties for dinner. So simple but so amazing!


  1. That looks amazing!! I've eaten collard greens but never made them. Don't you have to soak them in water or clean them really well? Yummy taco too! I love to cook leftover steak with my eggs the next morning too!

    1. I bought the already washed and cut ones in a bag at Vons... super simple. But if you wanted to get the whole leaf and/or organic variety. I'd say it's very similar to kale. No soaking, just clean well (I use veggie wash) and then hand rip the leaves off that super hard stem... except at the tops when the stems are pretty soft and supple. The steaming/blanching softens the leaves pretty well. Steak and eggs! You've inspired me for next time. :)

  2. I don't think this comment box is working

  3. NOW it works... :P lol

    You just made me really hungry. Esp with the steak and avocado. I LOVE avocado season :D

    1. I'm going to post about this epic open face sandwich that includes A LOT of avocado soon... hehehe

  4. Such a bad hour of the night to be reading this post haha, I'm so hungry now especially since it's been months since I've had a nice juicy steak! The collard greens look good too! I also like steamed spinach and garlic as well! Let me know how the garden goes!! A bunch of bugs recently ate most of my herbs and fruit plants but a worker at Home Depot recommended an all natural spray so hopefully my remaining plants will thrive! Thanks for sharing and making me hungry haha!

    1. Yeah! Sometimes I get hungry after posting because I usually post at night. haha - the garden is taking shape and luckily the extreme dryness here takes care of most bugs! There aren't even snails...
