Friday, November 7, 2014

Past & Future

I've been irregular my whole life, and then I was placed on birth control (bc) pills by my college health center physician at the age of 18. Five years later, I got off the pill and discovered that I only had periods about 3 times per year. I was officially diagnosed with PCOS a short while later through blood tests and ultrasounds. I was then placed on and off bc pills, 6-12 months at a time, in multiple attempts to regulate my menstrual cycles.

You all know the last straw that prompted me to go to an endocrinologist last year - as listed in The Beginning. After 6 months of bc pills, spironolactone (to reduce testosterone levels), and metformin (to regulate insulin sensitivity)... my doc said it was time to get off the bc pills to see if I would start having cycles again. I also had to stop the spironolactone because that medication causes birth defects, so my endocrinologist does not prescribe it unless it's taken concurrently with bc pills. I totally agree with that, better to be safe!

My body's first attempt was pretty weak... a 96 day cycle. Hey, better than 8 months!

The second occurrence was an improvement... 43 days! Less than 2 months and like HALF of the previous one... ya! Once again - progress, not perfection. I'll take it.

This most recent cycle... 41 days! Oh, man. Slow and steady wins the race, right?

So, looking forward, what does this all mean? It means that I kind of do and kind of don't know how long my cycles will be or when I will ovulate. Historically, that's never really been a concern except for general charting purposes to let my ob/gyn know how things are going. However, I've turned the page to a new chapter in my life - we'll be trying to conceive! That's the official term - it's all over the internet... TTC. Seriously, google it.

During the past year & a half, my husband and I had some serious conversations about children, our marriage, and the future, when I went through the grittiest parts of the PCOS symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment plan. I think the conversations were also deeply impacted by the fact that he lost his own father last year, and it made him reflect about what fatherhood and family meant to him. We came to realizations and revelations together that we never imagined we would come to 7 years ago when we first met... 5 years ago when we got engaged... or even 2 years ago when we got married.

This feels strange even to myself. I'd never felt the calling for motherhood, even up until fairly recently. I really think it's because I've always been hormonally abnormal and maybe my testosterone/estrogen dysfunction affected me on physical, mental, and emotional levels. Who really knows... and who really cares.

I'm also lucky enough to have strong support from family and friends... who are all such great resources of experience, advice, and levity. In fact, my best friend made sure I bought pre-natal vitamins with DHA so that I can get all prepared to grow a baby with a big brain. I was just introduced to the "sperm meets egg" baby making plan for maximum chances of success. But... most important of all, stay relaxed, right? LOL

So, this really is the first big leap of faith we've ever taken together that neither one of us had ever planned for or know anything about! We're walking off our beaten path and leaving the map behind... eeek! I'm excited and giddy because it's a big adventure. But, of course, I'm worried and doubtful because I don't trust my own body's ability to have a baby. But, I'm ready to take it on.


  1. I love spam and eggs!!! Wait... You said sperm meet egg didn't you, oops! Anyways, welcome to the amazing world of TTC! You will soon be speaking a whole new language of bd, dh, dpo, cd1, bbt, baby dust, fx, hcg, hsg (worst one of all).....

    You're going to be great!

    1. LOL... spam and eggs!! I had to google quite a few of those, and now I know why you said the last one is the worst. I'll be keeping my fx for you... baby dust! *sprinkle sprinkle*

  2. I'm so proud of you! Progress is progress and this excites me!! Woohoo!! Yes, it reaffirms that all the little things you are doing to better your health are working! Keep at it and you can beat PCOS! You and Will will be great parents!!

    1. Yes, I'll beat it! *POW* Thanks for thinking we'll be great parents, lol... I think we'll be adequate/passable at the very minimum... not going to set that bar too high. Hahaha

  3. SO EXCITING!!!! Love the pic at the end too!! Can't wait to witness you embarking on this new adventure!!! =) ,3

    1. That picture was from our mini-moon whale watching cruise the week after our wedding! I know you've been cheering me on for a while now, since the whole "can't wait for our kids to grow up together" part of your MOH speech, LOL. Well, it's fiiiiiinally time! I've got some catching up to do! :)

  4. I'm excited for your new adventure! I know you can do it and it's great to make any progress. Small steps result in huge gains. *hugs* - Jen

    1. Thanks so much, Jennifer! It's funny to read your comment right now because I just went to the optometrist and ophthalmologist in the past week due to some eye issues. It's all under control and I'm definitely going to be blogging about it soon... but I thought of you when I was reading all those eye charts. haha
