Sunday, February 1, 2015

Brunettes Bring It On

I finished my second 5K of 2015... Brunettes Bring It On! I woke up yesterday to a damp, cold, and gloomy morning. The course was riddled with duck/goose poop but we managed to finish and I felt so proud at the finish line! If I hadn't already paid (I get reimbursed by work only if we complete the race) and known that my friends were there... I would've just flopped back into bed! I'm so lucky they've absorbed me into their amazing group of support and motivation. :)

During the race, I told my friend that I had a looooooog day ahead of me. I was going to work for 7 hours, I had a presentation to give, and then a team building event at the opposite end of town that night. I was really daunted by the length of the day, but I told her that I was glad I hadn't ditched the race because it was the one thing that I was doing solely for myself. Yeah!

The 5Ks are pushing me to challenge myself mentally and get more fit physically, I love it! They're also inspiring me to embrace the "outside" more - I stay inside WAY TOO MUCH. So, I'm gonna hit the 5Ks until summer comes along... then we'll reassess the weather conditions, lol. Hey, it's the desert! Give me a break here.

So... the whole exercise part was down pat this Saturday... but the food part got away from me like a runaway train. After the 5K, I was famished! So, my friend and I ordered Jimmy Johns subs at work, yum! The turkey sub with lettuce, tomatoes, sprouts, cucumbers, and mayonnaise on French bread was HEAVEN... *drool*... ummm and then I ate a bag of chips. Then we walked like 5 blocks or so to our other work building and gave a presentation... and it was all hot... and I suddenly felt super tired and I needed to get up in front of the room and present... so I drank half a cup of Coke. I never drink soda!! I feel so bad... but it's not even the end. That evening, at the team building at the bowling alley, I ate chicken fingers & fries and drank a Pepsi!!!! Yeah... just carbing and sugaring all freaking day long. :(

So, this taught me a lesson. Next time if I have to work or be out & about after an endurance event, I'm going to pack myself some No Fun Food Life approved meals/snacks so I won't be in this situation again. Lesson learned.


  1. Wow, you did a 5k BEFORE work?? Impressive!! Aww, I'm glad you didn't skip it. Yeah, about the food... it's so much 'safer' to pack your own healthy meals/snacks so you don't just eat anything and everything in sight. It takes planning but you know it's better and cheaper for you in the end. Good job on completing the 5k. Woohoo!!!!

  2. Haha, yes I did... on a Saturday too! I learned my lesson... I'm going to start doing a better job pre-planning my meals for an endurance event day. I've been mostly walking them... I think I'm going to try incorporating more jogging! So far, my body has been taking it like a champ... all the chiropractic work has been paying off!

    1. You can do it! Start small and then build up with the running. And I always tell myself the more I run, the less I have to walk. You'll finish faster. haha.

    2. LOL, "the more I run, the less I have to walk" sounds like trickery! I will try though! Thanks for being an inspiration! :)
