Friday, January 30, 2015

Back to Real Life

I was pretty relaxed on the No Fun Food Life for the 2nd week of my vacation, but I managed to get in a few mindful meals. I won't bore everyone with the details - mostly because I don't remember. LOL

I did manage to settle back into the real life with a bang! I completed the Zappos Community & Downtown 5K with a few of my friends! It was overall a positive experience, even though I complained towards the middle. There's a part where you turn around and basically complete the entire thing backwards to complete the 5K, and we kept turning and twisting and the turnaround spot was nowhere in sight! But we finally reached the midway turnaround point, I reached the end, and I even managed to pick up the pace to a light trot and put on a million dollar smile for the camera!! LOL

I look forward to the next one tomorrow!! WOOHOO!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! Everyone needs to get away and actually have enough time to relax... I finally understand now. haha... Will and I are planning our next vacation in September! woohoo!
