Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Confession Of A Dumpling Addict

It's time I come clean... I have been flying under the radar with this guilty pleasure. Dumplings are wrapped in really high-carb skins.

1) I ate dumplings during my vacation - which I documented and is completely normal.
2) On the day we left to drive home to Vegas... I stopped at Dumpling Inn (the BEST dumpling shop in San Diego) and bought dumplings & steamed pork buns for the drive.
3) Half a week back into the real life, I left work one day craving them. I was desperate. So, I went to the grocery store and bought a bag of Ling Lings. I'm not proud of it.
4) They don't cut it. So, this past weekend I went to the Chinese supermarket and bought what I needed to make my own. I made dozens and dozens of them. I've been eating them everyday for FOUR DAYS now!

Pork Dumpling Recipe *NOT No Fun Food Life Approved*
Mix together 3lb. ground pork, white parts of 1 bunch of Green Onions, a handful of Spinach leaves chopped, a lot of Garlic to your desire chopped, 1 cup of Shiitake Mushrooms chopped, 1/4 cup Soy Sauce, and 1/8 cup Toasted Sesame Oil. Chop up like 4 cups of Napa Cabbage, sprinkle with some salt, work with your hands to encourage osmosis, squeeze the water out of the cabbage and add into mixture. Mix everything together well.

Use dumpling skins, add dollops of the meat mixture to the center, wet the edges and solidly squeeze/crimp together to skin to fully contain the meat mixture in the middle. Pop into boiling water in batches, boil about 10 minutes or until they float and puff up.

I have a problem. I am a dumpling addict!!! I decided I had to come out with my terrible secret so I can be held accountable and stop. I must stop! I have to get back on track this month and stick to my guns. I've started working on the physical fitness aspect, so I can't let the food part slide.

On another note, while I was at the Chinese supermarket, I saw something that struck me as a sign of good luck for the baby journey. I went to buy White Rabbit Candy to add a bit of festivity to my home in preparation for Chinese New Year. And when I got to the shelf of White Rabbit Candy, there was a single box of Ginger Candy wedged right up front. Significance? Ginger Candy is a popular item among pregnant women suffering from nausea. So... I'll take that as a good luck sign for a little "dumpling" this Year of the Sheep! LOL... and yes, I bought it. Don't judge me.

So far, the baby journey has had its ups and downs. Of course there's like that disappointment when it doesn't happen each month, but on the positive side it has brought Will and me closer together. It's fun to share in the little moments when we talk about the future. And twice this month I had dreams that I was pregnant! Maybe more omens of great things to come??? I hope so! tehehehehe


  1. Nothing wrong with a dumping addiction. =) Those white rabbits bring back SO many memories. =)

    Good luck with the baby journey! Will definitely send you positive vibes. =D

    1. Yes! Tons of memories! Are you guys going to celebrate Chinese New Year? Thank you for the good vibes!! :P

  2. I have a dumpling addiction too!! My mom taught me a new recipe: ground beef and tofu!! Apparently grandma used to make that all the time! It was unusually delicious!

    Also, I had a piece of that ginger candy at my in-laws last night….FX for a good sign!!

    1. That's how my mother-in-law makes them! I don't remember anything about grandma's cooking. :( Good luck... FX for you!! I'm on CD3, so yet another fresh beginning, lol.

  3. Oh man dumplings!!!! The best!!!! Now I want some. haha. Everything in moderation my dear... maybe once a week, not everyday. lol.

    White rabbit!!! Awww!! haha. It's like our childhood in a bag. lol. Love it.

    I totally believe in signs and I think the ginger is definitely a sign of good things to come! :) Best of luck in the baby journey!!

    1. I know... I fell off the bandwagon and it's hard to get back on... but I'm working on it! I think I ate enough to make myself slightly sick of them for a while, luckily. I'm going to bed early again tonight, so I'll respond to your email later!
