Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Wait, This Isn't Zumba?

YESTERDAY: With my New Year's resolve firmly in place, I responded with a resounding, "YES!" when my friend at work asked if I would accompany her to an on-campus Zumba class. Yeah... I don't have much rhythm or coordination... but there's music and dancing so I'll have fun I'm sure.*pumped*

I'm in the yoga/dance/workout studio at work... kind of standing towards the back... ready to just casually be overlooked while I bumble around to the beat. THIS GUY (in photo to the left) literally jumps into the class - clapping and jumping and screaming things.  He went into like a 5-10 minute high intensity introduction... Here's how his verbal and my mental dialogue went.

"Welcome to RAW Fitness!!!"
Wait, this isn't Zumba?
"Who is here for endurance & conditioning? Who is here for strength & toning? Who is here for cardio?
Wow, these sound like great choices... um... strength & toning, please!
"I am going to scream at you! Can I cuss here? Yes? F*ck yeah!!"
Yeah!!!! F*CK YEAH!!!!! Pumped Up!!!
"I am going to push you! I am going to make you hate me! I am going to kill you!"
Um, pardon?
"You might feel like you need to puke.....[explanation and further clarification]..."
Puke? What?!?! *look at friends in class with bewilderment* Help!
"You can go to the gym and sit on a bike with your phone and Facebook and get in people's way. Hahaha (not). You can do that on your own time. Not when you're here... you're on my time!"
Why did I leave my jacket, badge, and water bottle in 3 different locations? I can't even make a quick exit! Would anyone notice? Would he yell at me?? I bet he would yell at me. Is he talking about vomit again? WTF?
"RAW Fitness is for those Ready And Willing! Get it?? It's all in the name!"
I'm not ready.... omg, omg, omg... I don't even feel willing... omg, omg, omg.

So, this happened:
15 minutes: Insanity / P90X Remix - Max Interval Circuit Training
15 minutes: PiYo - Body Weight Athletic Training inspired from a fusion of Pilates and Yoga
15 minutes: Core Strengthening
05 minutes: Zumba... because we initially thought this was Zumba so he threw it in as bonus. Thanks.

So... a few other things happened.
1) I ALMOST vomited on about 4 occasions.
2) I saw *s*t*a*r*s* during the first/last 5 mins of PiYo.
3) I thought I was going to die.

TODAY: Unbelievably sore hamstrings and glutes. Walking is difficult... mostly done in one direction at an unchanging velocity. No turning, no pivoting. Sit to stand to sit mechanical functions are restricted. I'm not sure when/if I'll be taking that class again... I think I just need some time to feel better about the experience.

I guess I'm proud I got through the class...? But I'm not really sure I got through it... I can't remember like 30% of it! I'm pretty sure I mentally fainted, if not physically.

It feels like that one time I climbed down the cliffs at UCSD to the beach, witnessed a pervert touching himself in public on the beach while I was sunbathing, then rushed to climb up the cliffs again super fast - and whited out from heat exhaustion!! I saw stars then too. I'm not sure that this was the most reasonable induction to 2015 fitness... but it happened... no regrets.


  1. Sorry if anyone got like 5 notifications of this post in their inbox... my Google+ and Blogger were having some sort of catastrophic communication issue. And, of course, I just kept clicking the button. hahaha

  2. I love it! Go big or go home. Haha. Glad you survived! What an experience! You never know your limits until you try. Who knows what more you can do. =)

  3. You did it once and survived!! No excuse to not go back!! Sounds like an awesome class!!! 💪💪💪💪

  4. haha sounds intense but awesome!! Good job for sticking with it and not leaving! Definitely not zumba, but that's OK. Keep it up!!

  5. Thanks for all the optimistic support! LOL... you guys have so much more faith in me than I do myself. I will try it at least once more... I promise!
